Thursday, May 2, 2019


The sun has not yet risen and morning is slowly awakening the landscape.  A dull grey is beginning to emerge as outlines become visible and shadows retreat back into their daytime hiding places.  The sky to the west is dark with a few resilient stars protesting the approaching dawn.  To the east, the horizon is melting from black to blue high in sky, and from blue to orange along the horizon.

The world is still stretching and waking up and lazily approaches the coming day.  Movements are not unified into motion.  Unique movements of animals appear separate, each unique and lonely.  Isolated actions that stand out so much in the stillness that they demand individual attention.  There are no pairs or partnerships in the dawning of the day, only solitary things, each a detached fragment separate from the whole.

The pregnancy of the day is approaching its birth and it feels as if the day is holding it's breath in an expectant pause waiting for the sun to break free of the horizon.

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